Our Mission

End of Life Options Colorado provides education, support, and resources for end-of-life care for all Colorado communities.
End of Life Options Colorado is the statewide non-profit organization that provides education and support to anyone who wants to learn about their choices at the end of life. We work with individuals, families, community organizations and medical providers to help them understand the process and the laws, and how to find resources.
Your generous donations help to provide continuous support and education throughout Colorado. We are grateful for your contributions!
Governor Jared Polis signed SB 24-068 into law on June 5. Changes to the law went into effect on August 7, 2024.
Colorado End-of-Life Options Act
The Colorado End-Of-Life Options Act took effect in early 2017, allowing terminally ill people to choose to end their own lives when they feel it is time. Guided through a prescribed set of thoughtful and rigorous steps for both medical providers and patients to ensure that this is the right choice for the right person, the law provides qualifying Colorado residents with one powerful choice to approach death as more than a medical event. By the end of 2021, 777 Coloradoans had requested prescriptions at end of life to shape their own peaceful death at a time of their choosing.
Our Purpose
We are excited to get started with our work to provide education, support, and clinical assistance to those Coloradans facing terminal illness and considering making use of medical aid in dying. Though our state statute was passed in 2016 and implemented in 2017, we know that many Coloradans and their loved ones have not been able to access information and services as they make end-of-life decisions.