Don’t Miss Out: Register Now for the Inaugural End of Life Options Colorado Conference!

A Personal Invitation From Our Board President, Dr. Barbara Morris! I am so excited about our first conference and thrilled that our colleagues from Colorado and around the United States […]
Understanding the Process Behind the End of Life Options Act

During the summer of 2016, as we worked to pass the End of Life Options Act, I frequently spoke to groups about the legislation. A common question arose: Why did the law contain the specific provisions it did, rather than being more expansive or restrictive? Another frequent inquiry was why we pursued this as a Citizen Initiative instead of going through the legislature.
Understanding Dementia Directives: A Guide for Future Planning

As a member of the board of directors for End of Life Options Colorado, I often have the opportunity to assist individuals seeking information about end-of-life care. Recently, I received […]
A Last Reflection: Honoring a Patient’s Right to Choose

I often write letters to my patients who have died. For me, it is a way to process my experience and grief, recognize the impact that human life had on […]
When End-of-Life Care Calls

In my pursuit to better understand Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD), I came across Dr. Lonny Shavelson’s book, Medical Aid In Dying: A Guide for Patients and Their Supporters. The […]