For Patients & Families

Are you or your loved one dealing with a life-threatening terminal illness?

We are here to help you and your family as you face the challenges and uncertainties posed by life threatening and terminal illness.  If you need help finding your way, making decisions, and engaging a care team to be by your side, we can provide guidance and referrals.  You do not need to be anxious or afraid:  there are many choices available to you to make sure that whatever your medical situation, you find support, dignity and respect for your wishes.

Are you thinking about the future and need information about how to make advance care plans?

Now is the time.  Start a conversation with your family and your loved ones about your life goals and your wishes especially in the event you should face a life threatening and terminal diagnosis. 

  • What are your wishes for the type of care you would want to receive?
  • Where would you want to receive that care?
  • If there was no hope of meaningful recovery, what types of medical interventions would you want?
  • What types of medical interventions would you decline?
  • If you couldn’t make decisions for yourself, who would you want to make decisions for you?

Check out these resources to guide your thinking process, to help you with your conversation, and to take care of the recommended documents.  Remember, thinking about these issues ahead  of time can ensure that your wishes for your care are understood and respected by your family and your healthcare team.